Large Collaboration with Daniilidis Group
What started as a bit of a pipe dream has grown into a fully fledged project. I joined the lab to have the opportunity to develop an aviary that could capture all behavioral observations and provide an enormous dataset for behavioral analysis. This has been an enormous project, and extremely satisfying to work on. We have recorded 2 seasons (200 days total) of behavior, and are nearing completion on the taks of quantifying interractions. This has been a huge effort, and would not be possible without the support of the NSF, incredible work by Bernd Pfrommer, Marc Badger, as well as a dozen others who have contributed. See our aviary project webbsite for more information.
Our description of some of the approaches we are using is available via ECCV or bioRxiv, and we hope to have our first biology papers in the coming year.